In the midst of the hype with this virus from China, there are extra challenges in following due process to ID properly during notarization and tax returns. This is really impossible to do using picture ID if you are wear a mask the whole time. Masks are not required during appointments with me but you are welcome to wear one if you would like and if you prefer, I will wear one too.
I personally believe that happiness and interaction of the immune system is important too and that these masks and “distancing” could be causing some good but also great harm over time not only in extra stress in the dehumanizing effect they have on people but also potential infection in the many people who are wearing them because they are required but not cleaning them daily, etc. There is also increased suicide and general stress as anyone not complying is rudely told to wear a mask or refused service at many establishments (not mine) and jobs and livelihoods are threatened by mandates and restrictions. Stress affects the immune systems ability to react and fight off all sorts of illnesses and infections.
Regardless of my beliefs, I ask every customer if they would like me to wear one and I am happy to do so if you would like or it makes you feel better. If you are having a bad day and you get your tax return done and you need a hug, I might give you one of those as well if you want. There is more to life than being “safe”.
I do ask if you come to me as a new customer for notarization or another service that requires I identify you that you remove your mask long enough that I can compare it to your ID. I offer videochat options as well if you are uncomfortable doing this in person.
Written by Laura Fleig, Fleig Financials, LLC