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Fall Is A Time To Regroup

Just like when you clean house and deep clean all those places you forgot about with the cooler weather, this is often a good time to clean up your business. Do you feel like there is some double entry going on, some sloppy bookkeeping practices, inefficiencies, maybe some overspending, some vendors that might be taking advantage a bit. These last couple months of the year when everything is a little slower is a good time to take control of these things and deeply look into what is costing your company and what is beneficial to it.

Our team is trained to look not only at the numbers but deeper… at patterns, trends, at where the money is going. If you feel like things are spiraling a little or you have lost your edge, if you just need a bad guy to tell your staff the accountant said we have to do it this way; give us a call. All our professionals enjoy the challenge of a cleanup and know what paperwork is necessary for an office and what is not and can help you get your staff and office running efficiently and smoothly.

This is also a great time of year for collections since those clients who need to pay you anyway can write it off before tax season. Our collection strategies can help you avoid sending your open accounts to an expensive ineffective collection service or writing them off.

If any of this sounds interesting to you, call 361 443-3787 for a quick consult on pricing and what we can do to help you.

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