More and more, my clients are saying it is getting harder to hire because people are making more off unemployment than they are actually working. And gradually, the workforce is not trying as hard at work because if they are fired, there is unemployment.
SBA and PPP loans are bailing out businesses, but at what cost? It is said that someone poor who wins the lottery will blow the money in a couple of years or less because they are poor not because of unfortunate circumstance but because they have not disciplined themselves to learn proper handling of money.
I process loans for my clients every day and it is a source of income I am grateful to have but my heart aches a little as I think about the effect that these handouts have on culture. There was a time when a man was proud to earn a living and understood that receiving things for free should be done only in extreme circumstance and that as soon as possible, he should be standing on his feet again working for his living. Women looked for and respected men who worked, instead of sleeping with anyone cute who has enough disability income to buy them a drink. And relatives supported and encouraged hard work; people were held accountable for laziness and it was acknowledged as something to be ashamed of – not a smart way to make a living.
This is how America survived the Great Depression, with hard work, strategy and strength; not bailouts. Yes, our banking systems and large corporations have been helped and I disagree with that too. Look at what happened to the Wolf when he started accepting food from humans… and now we have the cute but helpless and ridiculous descendant of the Wolf that we call Frenchies. They have been bred to the point where they can’t naturally reproduce. They were weakened that much by accepting the handouts.
Because we forget the concept of TANSTAAFL. There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. There is always a catch… if the government doesn’t disrupt your business with the audits after these loans, they may damage your energy. We need the fight to develop the strength to survive. We need to feel the hurt of the regulations to notice that we need to turn off Netflix and get off Facebook, talk to the neighbors and hold a protest for the rights and freedom to operate our business unrestricted with the local government. The government’s job is to protect us from those who would break the law in ways that harm others… vandals, murderers, theives – not to tell you to close at 10pm and fine you if your customer doesn’t have a mask on
I do not know if this is true, I was not there, but having had chickens I could see it happening. Joseph Stalin was said to have plucked a live chicken and then afterwards offered it a little food. Even after the abuse, it took the food and he noted how easy it is to control and abuse people if you just throw them a treat once in a while. Like unemployment, PPP loans, SBA loans and stimulus checks.
Yes, I received my stimulus checks. I did cash them. And I will be finding an organization to donate them too that will help defend the freedoms of small businesses harassed and hurt by government overreach.
It’s time to stop taking the free lunch and stand up for the right to work and a better culture. If you can stand on your own two feet, do it and be proud. Your legs will get weak if you sit down too long.
I will happily take your business if you would like me to apply for these government programs. But if you don’t; and you find out how strong you are and encourage those around you to do the same – I will be happier for the business I get from helping you do your taxes when you make more money than Big Brother would ever have given you.
Written by Laura Fleig
January 29, 2021